Friday, October 18, 2013


I finally got some pictures downloaded!  I'm hoping to get some more from the rest of the team because mine aren't great, but here they are.

First are some ministry shots.  The first two are from the first morning when we served at the church near the dump.  We did activities inside with the kids and then handed out some food.  The last two are from the HIV orphanage, New Hope for Cambodian Children - precious little ones!

Unfortunately at most of our ministry stops, we were not allowed to take pictures, either to protect the privacy of the girls or simply to be respectful of the families.  I actually appreciated that about our trip, but it's a bit of a bummer that I can't share so much of it.  So I'll move on to some snapshots of life in Cambodia...

A tuk tuk!  Our primary mode of transportation.  I miss it already.

The insanely muddy road we drove on to get to the Killing Fields.  A couple of times our tuk tuk got stuck so we all had to get out and walk for a little bit while he got moving again.

A house we saw on the ride to the Killing Fields.  I wouldn't say this is a typical house, but definitely not uncommon.

My attempt at getting a picture of the traffic.  There are really no words for the chaos that is Phnom Penh traffic.  Most of the people are on motorcycles or tuk tuks, so they just weave in and out of traffic like there are no rules.  Eventually you get used to feeling like you are about to get hit at any given moment!

Spirit houses - this must have been a market or something where they were selling them.  Many, many homes have a spirit house out front, and the people believe some kind of spirits live in there and they will burn incense for them or even leave food for them.  Very sad.

I don't know how well you can see this, but it's a couple with 3 small kids on their moto.  We saw this everywhere, it was crazy!  Apparently car seat safety is not a big deal in Cambodia.  ;)

And finally, some pretty things!  My beautiful, amazing team:

Khmer iced coffee with sweet milk!  Better than Starbucks.  I had one every day.

Our table at Daughters Cafe, an awesome restaurant where they employ women that have come out of trafficking.  Daughters also has a store where I spent so much of my money.  They make the most beautiful things!

From the wall at SHE rescue home, which sums it all up quite nicely:

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