Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 2

Is this really just day 2? I feel like I must have miased one. Anywho this day was a very long and overwhelming one. We started out by going to the Killing Fields to learn more about Cambodia's history. Tough morning. I had read about the Khmer Rouge over the past year or so but it was still unbelievable to be there. 3 million people out of their 8 million population just wiped out. It is one of the reasons their country suffers so much today and is so poor.

After that we did some work at the SHE offices stamping some bags for them to sell. The we went to a village to visit the grandmother of one of the girls in the rescue home. They do these visits with families monthly and we will be doing more of them while we are here. Part of our group taught a devotional about love and family with the adults, and some of us worked with the sweet children singing, talking about prayer, and doing more crafts. They love crafts! I love saying my handful of Khmer phrases to them, it is so much fun.

The conditions in the village are so difficult. Some of them have little more than a raised wooden flat for sleeping with a curtain type thing to close it up. They have had so much flooding this year and many are displaced from their homes. The grandmother today said her home is waist deep in water and there are snakes. Pray for her!

We also went to the "village" at the garbage dump at night to distribute food and water. The conditions here are again unbelievable. I cried all the way home. I think I was just so overwhelmed by the enormity of the poverty and in total awe of the men and women who do this work day in and out. So much more to tell but I should try to sleep.

Pray for rest and strength for our team - we all keep waking up around 1 or 2 am and having trouble going back to sleep. At least tonight I went to bed early and got several hours of sleep but it is 3 and I have been up for an hour. It is amazing though, I will feel so tired before we get to our ministries and God just boosts me with love and energy when we get there.

1 comment:

  1. Wow--this sounds like a difficult undertaking. I'm proud of you for your courage to take it on. My prayers are with you.
