Saturday, December 17, 2016

Books I've Read: the 2016 Edition

As I'm reading everyone's best-books-of-the-year posts, my own to-read list is growing exponentially!  (My book wish list on Amazon is over 100 now, and I have an embarrassing stack of already-bought books at the house waiting to be read. Yikes.)  That got me to thinking about my own favorites from this year.. I didn't read as many books this year as I have in years past, but I have enough for a top 5, so here goes!

2016 Top 5:

Falling Free by Shannan Martin.  This book easily made its way on to my all-time favorite list.  Shannan talks about leaving behind her dream life in a beautiful farmhouse in order to move in to a poorer neighborhood, and all that God has taught her about loving the poor, the imprisoned, and the at-risk.  Not only is her story and her wisdom beautiful, but she is one of those writers that can make your heart skip a beat with the way she puts words together.

Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson.  This one is neck-and-neck with Falling Free.  Bryan has inspirationally given his life to defending death-row inmates who were wrongfully convicted or sentenced, and this book lays out the ways that our criminal justice system can often fail the poor and minority communities.  A must, must-read.

Wild in the Hollow by Amber Haines.  Amber is another gorgeous writer, poetic and quirky but not inaccessible.  She tells the story of years of rebellion that brought her to a raw encounter with Christ, and all the lessons learned since then.

Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis.  How am I just now reading this one?  I don't know, but if this one doesn't make you question every life decision you've ever made, you may want to check your pulse.  Katie moved to Uganda fresh out of high school and is one of the most inspiring people of faith you'll ever read about.

Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell.  I know, I know, in my usual circles just the name Rob Bell is enough to make you clutch your pearls.  This was actually his first book, and although I didn't agree with everything in it, I don't think it's as controversial as some of his later works.  It was definitely a fascinating read that made me think, and that's always a good thing.

High on my to-read list for 2017:

Reclaiming Hope by Michael Wear.  Michael is a new name for me; he was on staff during President Obama's first term where he directed faith outreach and he is releasing this first book in January.  He and a more conservative guy, Alan Noble, have started an organization called Public Faith that has been a great voice of sanity and hope for me during this crazy election year!  Looking forward to getting my hands on this in a few weeks.

Onward by Russell Moore.  Another outstanding voice during this election year has been Russell Moore.  This book is a couple of years old but I hope to get to it this year.

Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance.  I have heard soooo many great things about this book.  Just waiting for a good kindle sale to pick it up!

Strength to Love by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Trouble I've Seen by Drew Hart. As racial reconciliation becomes a topic of great importance in our culture and (hopefully) in the church, I'm trying to educate myself as much as I can.

What were your favorites of the year?  What is on your list for 2017?

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

An Election Day Confession

Precious Lord, we your people confess that we have...

.. allowed this election to affect our hearts and capture our attention in a way that we have not allowed you to do.
.. instead of loving our neighbor, we have demonized and scorned them and declared them enemies.
.. believed that ideologies and legislation are worthy of dividing the church over, when you prayed that we would be one and that others would know us by our love.
.. desired to legislate our way into being a Christian nation, when only true love for you and for others can accomplish such a thing.
.. been tempted to trust in military might, wealth, and rulers rather than your sovereign hand.
.. believed that particular solutions and ideas are "the answer" for our nation when you alone are the answer for our nation.
.. not loved and prayed for our candidates as you have commanded, but instead we have attacked, maligned, and spread rumors about them.
.. allowed fear to rule in our hearts instead of your perfect peace.
.. allowed ourselves to believe that your kingdom cannot stand if this election does not go the way we want it to.

Lord forgive us of these sins.  Let us not despair of any election result any more than we despair of our own helpless estate without Christ.  Teach us how to walk forward together with kindness and grace.  Show us your ways, O Lord.  Amen.